notable UK

[ Sunday, November 13, 2005 ]

I recently attended a reception at a well known university. One thing came through after chatting with the faculty. Education is changing. It comes as good news that academia will not be left behind.
Paul [3:43 PM]

[ Tuesday, May 17, 2005 ]

Hello again. I use a package called Roboform. It urged me to write a new post for my blog. Can't say much as time is short. Hope to say more later, soon.
Paul [12:08 PM]

[ Tuesday, April 19, 2005 ]

Hello again, I haven't been writing for more than a year. Anyway I am back again. Lets see if I can keep it going.
Paul [11:18 PM]

[ Saturday, March 13, 2004 ]

Took a bit of time to get over good old jet lag. With all the talk over viruses, spam and bugs; electronic communication appears to be taking the same road as its forerunner mail. At one point chain letters, junk mail and dangerous letters have all threatened to overwhelm a good system. The lesson, don't let the few bad apples stop us from eating all the good ones!
Paul [11:47 PM]

[ Thursday, March 04, 2004 ]

Just got back from a very short trip to New York City. One night was given over to a splendid concert at the Lincoln centre by the New York Philharmonic and James Galway, the other night was used to watch the Passion of the Christ. Apart from the culture, it was interesting to observe how the internet has changed the way we all shop for electronics. Stores now act as catalogs for their online offerings. Consumers come in more to browse and relax. Indeed this was highlighted by Barnes and Noble and Tower Records both on opposite sides of Broadway. Tower had a thriving store with a Starbucks conveniently located on the top floor. Tower looked lack luster by comparision, no coffee shop evident. Just a few trends evident to this observer in on visiting the Big Apple.
Paul [5:01 AM]

[ Thursday, February 26, 2004 ]

Over 10,000 messages in my inbox. From 4 different mail services; over 3000 unread, yet this is not a cause of stress. Managing email is one of the key duties of the early 21st century.
Paul [7:50 AM]

[ Wednesday, February 25, 2004 ]

Attended an excellent free lecture from Macromedia on Dreamweaver, Coldfusion and Flash in a very large venue in Central London. It was packed! Hundreds of men and women eagerly absorbing all they could. Trust me there is a revolution in learning going on and events like these are the proof.
Paul [6:06 AM]